Don’t Quit Social Media – Even If This Guy Says You Should

At school, we were recently forced to watch a TEDx talk about why we should quit social media. It was a fill-in until we could do what we were meant to that lesson, but the ten or so minutes I watched made a deep impression on me. Not because I thought the speaker was particularly inspiring... Continue Reading →

Sell Your Soul To Save It

Did you ever see that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa wants to be an author but struggles, while Homer and Bart successfully write a commercial series with a team of friends? It was called The Book Job and although when it came out I was eleven and didn't really have a proper idea about... Continue Reading →

The Pitchapalooza Experience

Sometime during February, I found out about Pitchapalooza. If you're not familiar with this event it's loosely associated with NaNoWriMo and the idea is you send in your 250-word pitch to the Book Doctors, who are professional book advisers. Twenty are randomly selected and critiqued in a live video before the winner is announced. That winner is... Continue Reading →

Hogwarts Houses as Writers

I wanted to do a post about which house makes the best writers, just for a bit of fun, but this proved impossible because 1) I'm undeniably biased towards Hufflepuff, the greatest house of all time and 2) anyone can be a good writer, no matter their personality (or Hogwarts house.) Instead, I thought I'd... Continue Reading →

The Worst Trait in an Aspiring Author

Honestly, we can be an annoying lot, we aspiring authors. Even published authors are irritating sometimes, if not in actual personality then with the erratic mood swings. One moment our WIP is the greatest thing ever to grace a page, the next, it's unburnable trash. Good luck getting a sensible conversation out of us if... Continue Reading →

Bookstagram is Elitist

To readers, this shouldn't be a surprise. A world where we rank people on their popularity based on what they have and how good it looks. Sounds more like the plot of the next big YA dystopian trilogy than an online community, but I'm barely exaggerating. Don't get me wrong - I love Bookstagram and... Continue Reading →

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